Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Throughout the Bible, we are told what God expects us to do to serve our community. Teach the word…visit the sick…feed the hungry…praise his name throughout the land. Zion does this work through its many ministries. Click on the highlighted links for those ministries with additional information on this website. Contact the church office for information on the others.
Teaching Ministries
- Sunday School/Sunday Church School
- Christian Leadership School
- Vacation Bible School
- Discipleship Program
- Midweek/Evening/ Topical Bible Study
- Family Bible Institute
Community Outreach Ministries
- Thursday Dinner/Soup Kitchen
- Wheeler Bag Lunch
- Sunday Morning Breakfast
- Health & Wellness
- Women’s Health & Wellness
Care & Support Ministries
- Church Beautification
- Hospitality
- Pastor’s Aid
- Audio-Visual
- Ushers/Nurses Guild
- Travel Club
- Historical Committee
- Endowment
- Fundraising Committee
- Scholarship Committee
Evangelism Ministries
- Evangelism & Outreach
- Missions
- Angel Tree
- Christmas Store
Music Ministries
- Children’s & Youth Choir
- Male Chorus
- Voices of Zion
- The Anointed Ones
- Mass Choir